Welcome to Project Chaverim…

Congregation Chevra Thilim has launched Project Chaverim, a new initiative to ensure that there are resources to provide for our congregational community, create new programming, and involve everyone in Chevra Thilim’s future.

Project Chaverim assures that we have the resources for current programs and services to secure our future. The campaign will provide us with the requisite resources to meet the diverse needs of our community—now and in the future. Project Chaverim was launched in September 2012 and has grown our abilities to expand programming, education and improve our facilities.

“Chevra” is a central place in the lives of many of its members and our community friends. We are a contemporary Orthodox congregation that, for nearly 110 years, has been a nurturing environment for spiritual, social and intellectual growth and activity, rooted in the values and ideals of Torah. Project Chaverimis an exciting next step in building and maintaining this unique community.

Project Chaverim’s goals are:

  • To provide additional and high quality programming to encompass a wide range of interests among our diverse spectrum of participants.
  • To increase youth education and empower our youth to have the tools to become the leaders of tomorrow. We strive to inspire our youth to have passion and love for their Judaism and find meaning in the rituals and beautiful traditions. Our youth are our future leaders!
  • To expand opportunities for our community to gather as friends in the synagogue and outside, through chavurot, social action projects, and outings.
  • To celebrate together, through lifecycle events and kiddushes, monthly Shabbat dinners, downtown professional network, the women’s circle and the men’s club.
  • To reach a wide group of Jews in San Francisco and the Bay Area through our distinctive and welcoming atmosphere and quality programs.
  • To grow and strengthen our community by expanding our membership base and level of participation

We need your help to fulfill the promise of Project Chaverim. The program features a wide range of giving opportunities, many of which include one’s membership dues. The attached listing describes Project Chaverim’s giving categories, designed to offer something for everyone.

Together our gifts contribute to strengthening our community and reaching out to our synagogue families and extended community in countless ways. Thank you for your ongoing support of Congregation Chevra Thilim!

Project Chaverim

 Donor Giving Levels and Benefits

Visionary (Chazon): $7000.00+

Leader (Manhig):   $5000.00 - 6999.00

Benefactor (Nediv):     $2500.00 - 4999.00

Sustainer (Tomech):   $1800.00 - 2499.00

Supporter (Yedid):   $1001.00 - 1799.00

Friend (Chaver):   $360.00 - 1000.00


These categories do not include payments for events, school tuition or capital campaign contributions. Capital campaign contributions will be acknowledged separately. Donations will be acknowledged from January 1 through December 31. A new cycle of giving will begin in January 1st.

Donor Recognition and Benefits

Visionary (Chazon):

  • Prominent donor name recognition in newsletter or program
  • Name on wall plaque
  • Dinner in a private home
  • Private study session with Rabbi Zarchi
  • Special donor appreciation event

Leader (Manhig)

  • Name published in newsletter or program
  • Name on wall plaque, private donor dinner
  • Private study session with Rabbi Zarchi

 Benefactor (Nediv)

  • Name published in newsletter or program
  • Name on wall plaque, private donor dinner
  • Certificate of honor

 Sustainer (Tomech)

  • Name published in newsletter or program
  • Certificate of honor

 Supporter (Yedid)

  • Name published in newsletter or program

Friend (Chaver)

  • Name published in newsletter or program

 Requests by donors for anonymity will be respected in all cases. All donors in Project Chaverim  are eligible for member rates for events & dinners.


Project Chaverim and Form.pdf 

  Project Chaverim About Us.pdf